Terms and conditions

Acceptance of conditions
www.inundatii.ro is the official domain of the „Romanian Waters” National Administration, developed in order to ensure an increased transparency and a better understanding of the activities of the „Romanian Waters” National Administration.
The use of the website www.inundatii.ro (hereinafter referred to as the „site”) requires your fully acceptance of the terms and conditions below.
The terms and conditions can be modified at any time by the site administrator, hereinafter referred to as the „Administrator”, without any prior notice sent to the individual using it, hereinafter referred to as the „Users”.
Users will have a permanent access to the terms and conditions for the use of services in order to be able to consult them at any time.
By accessing and navigating this site, Users implicitly accept the terms of use described below.
In case they do not agree with the required terms and conditions, Users shall stop accessing this service.
Description of services
By its section, the website www.inundatii.ro provides Users with information, normatives, decisions, rulings, regulations and news regarding the water management central authority in Romania.
Under the domain www.inundatii.ro, an electronic service is a resource provided via the Internet in order to enhance the process of communication between citizens and the Romanian Waters” National Administration.
There are two types of electronic services provided by the domain www.inundatii.ro:
- Information services, granting citizens, the media and other stakeholders easy and efficient access to information, while facilitating the consultation of documents issued by the Romanian Waters” National Administration;
The Romanian Waters” National Administration maintains this document in order to facilitate the public access to information regarding its activity. The Administrator makes efforts in order for such information to be accurate and provided in a timely manner. When being reported with eventual errors, the Administrator will do his/her best to correct them within the shortest delay.
The information provided:
- has an exclusively general nature;
- is not necessarily comprehensive, complete, accurate or updated;
- it may include web links to other sites over the content of which the “Romanian Waters” National Administration has no control and for which it does not take any responsibility.
The Administrator shall not take any liability in case certain information is provided with delay, is lost, deleted or cannot be stored on our servers for any reasons whatsoever.
Furthermore, he/she shall not take any liability for the consequences that could occur because of delay, loss or inaccuracy of the information posted or existing on the website.
Users will make use of the information provided on the website on their own responsibility, and, in case of any damage caused by the use of services or information provided, Users will accept the fact that the Administrator shall be relieved from any liability.
The disclaimer does not affect the obligation of the “Romanian Waters” National Administration to comply with the applicable legislation and cannot exclude the obligations of the “Romanian Waters” National Administration required by law.
General Rules
The website Administrator shall declare as follows:
- he/she shall make all reasonable efforts to achieve the website goal;
- he/she shall make all efforts (technical or other kind) for the operation under proper conditions of the website; however, there may be interruptions in the operation or cases when it cannot be accessed by Users, for an indefinite period of time, for any reasons whatsoever;
- once the occurrence of new situations of any kind requires so, the Administrator may modify the conditions and terms of use.