Watershed Area
Arges-Vedea Watershed Area occupies almost fully the counties of Arges, Giurgiu, Teleorman, Ilfov (including Bucharest Municipality) and some smaller parts of the counties of Dambovita, Olt and Calarasi.

Where is it located?
Arges-Vedea Watershed Area is located in the Southern part of Romania, has an area of 21,479 km² and includes the following river basins: Arges (12,550 km²), Vedea (5,430 km²), Calmatui (1,413 km²) and some part of the Danube River basin (2,086 km²). The area managed by Arges-Vedea RBA is of 21,479 km².
In terms of development regions, Arges – Vedea Watershed Area includes administrative territories belonging to three regions: 54.5% of South – Muntenia Region, 4.8% of the South– West– Oltenia Region and 71.1% of Bucharest Region.
Population in the watershed area
The total population of Arges – Vedea Watershed Area, according to the population’s and households’ census from 2011, was of 3,853,197 inhabitants, of which 2,592,627 inhabitants in the urban area and 1,260,570 inhabitants in the rural area.
The major urban agglomerations are: Bucharest, Pitesti, Giurgiu, Alexandria, Curtea de Arges, Turnu Magurele.
It is noticed that, for the urban area, Bucharest Municipality has a major contribution to the number of inhabitants with a population of 1,883,425.
Arges-Vedea River Basin is made up, at its turn, from the following basins:

Arges River Basin
It is located between the following geographic coordinates: 43º54’50″ – 45º36’30″ North latitude and 24º30’50″- 26º44’25″ East longitude. It is neighboring to the North on Olt River Basin, to the West on Olt and Vedea River Basins, to the South on the Danube basin and to the East on Ialomita River Basin, having an area of 12,550 km². Arges River, which is 350 km long, forms upstream Vidraru reservoir, beneath the ridge of Fagaras Mountains, where the two rivers, Capra and Buda, come from, forming together Arges river, rivers which currently flow into Vidraru lake.

Vedea River Basin
²It is included in the Danube Basin and located in the Southern part of the country, with an area of 5,430 km² and is situated, North to South, between parallels of 45º03’20’’ and 43º42’13’’ North latitude, and, West to East, between meridians of 24º27’26’’ and 25º36’56’’ East longitude, being delineated by Olt, Calmatui and Arges River Basins. Vedea river is 224 km long and springs from the Sub-Carpathian area (Cotmeana Platform), at an altitude of 504 m.

Calmatui River Basin
It is delineated by Olt (to the West), Vedea River Basins (to the East) and by the Danube River to the South. It has a smaller area, of only 1,413 km². Calmatui river is 139 km long, it is also called Calmatuiul Teleormanului or Burnasului, it springs from Boianului Piedmont Plain to the East of Barcanesti, at an altitude of 157 m and flows into Suhaia lake near Viisoara.
The remaining area of the watershed is represented by some part of the Danube River basin (between the confluence with Olt and that with Arges – 2,086 km²).
Description of existing flood protection works
Arges – Vedea Waterhsed Area has a complex system of hydro-technical works with a role in the quantitative management of water resources, including several reservoirs with a complex use: flood protection, ensuring the amounts of water for the population, industry, irrigations, power generation, etc., as well as diversions for transiting amounts of water from one river to another, as they can be used during high waters periods for transiting/reducing the water amount from one river into another, as well as during droughty periods, when it is necessary to supplement the volume of water on small rivers needing a higher discharge.
The arrangement scheme for Arges River Basin has been designed so as to ensure the flood protection of the main localities/municipalities in Arges-Vedea Watershed area: Campulung, Curtea de Arges, Pitesti – Arges county and last but not least – Bucharest municipality with over 2,215,000 inhabitants, of whom approximately 1,900,000 in the capital.

Flood records
To a large extent, major floods occurred in Arges-Vedea River Basin originated in river channel overflows (exceedance of the carrying capacity) in high discharges.
Flash floods causing the flooding are slow, as well as quick. Consequently, all floods occurred across water courses mainly have a fluvial source. As it can be noticed also from the data on historical floods during the period 2010 – 2016, many of them have, as a secondary source, runoffs from the slopes or water logging (in the absence of a water course).

Under the second cycle for implementation of the Floods Directive, the stage of Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment, one has identified the major floods occurred during the period 2010 – 2016 in Arges-Vedea River Basin:
- 23.06.2012 – 24.06.2012 that affected the higher basin of Arges river and the higher river basin of Dambovita river – during this period, there were precipitations as showers that generated significant runoffs on slopes, torrents, streams, non-surveyed water courses, several houses, outbuildings, communal roads, culverts being flooded;
- 04.05.20014 – 06.05.2014 that affected Valsan River Basin; during this period, there have been precipitations as showers generating significant runoffs from the slopes, torrents, streams, non-surveyed water courses, several houses, outbuildings, communal roads, culverts being flooded;
- 27.07.2014 – 30.07.2014 that affected Bascov river, Cotmeana river and the sector of Arges river and its tributaries in the area of Merisani locality;
- 28.07.2014 – 30.07.2014 that affected Plapcea river, Vedita river and Vedea river;
- 17.04.2014 – 21.04.2014 occurred on Dorofei river and its tributaries, on Vedea river and its tributaries, on Teleorman river and its tributaries, on Burdea river and its tributaries, on Tecuci river and its tributaries and on Câinelui Stream and its tributaries.
Contact Arges Vedea RBA
Address: Calea Câmpulung, Nr.6-8, Cod -110147,
Piteşti, Jud.Argeş, ROMÂNIA
Phone: 0248 / 223449
Fax : 0248 / 211549